5 Things I Wish I Knew Before Switching to a Self-Paced Classroom

Making the switch to a self-paced classroom was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made as a teacher. But let’s be real—it was also a lot of work upfront, and there were definitely some things I had to learn the hard way and some things I’m still learning as I go! If you’re thinking about making the leap (or just curious about how it works in real life), here are five things I wish I had known before diving in.

1. The Frontloading is Real.

I could go on forever about why I love this structure (and I do… in another post!), but I won’t pretend it’s not a heavy lift at the beginning. Creating the materials, structuring the lessons, and making sure everything is clear and accessible takes serious effort. However, the beauty of self-pacing is that once the foundation is set, the day-to-day teaching becomes much more manageable. The time I used to spend re-explaining things over and over? Now I spend that time actually helping individual students and meeting them where they need.

2. Classroom Management Looks Completely Different.

In my idealized vision of self-pacing, every student was deeply engaged, taking charge of their own learning, and moving forward with purpose. Reality check: not quite. Some students thrive with the independence, while others need constant check-ins, redirection, and motivation. Some will zip ahead, others will barely move. Some will sit there staring at their screens waiting for divine intervention (or pretend that they don’t have a charger for their always dead Chromebook). But once I set clear expectations, created consistent routines, and built in regular check-ins, things started running smoothly. Obviously, as with any classroom, there are always going to be some hiccups, but I definitely now have more time to manage them.

3. Not Every Student Will Love It.

I had to accept this one early on. While most students enjoy the flexibility, there will always be a handful who absolutely hate it..or at least think they do. And their feelings are 100% valid! After all, some kids genuinely prefer direct instruction and a structured, step-by-step approach. I recently did a student reflection, and while 19 out of 26 students rated their experience as a 3 or 4 (on a scale of 1-4), six students rated it as a 1 or 2—meaning they really don’t like this style of learning. That’s okay! Self-pacing isn’t a magic fix for every learner, but I’ve found that even the skeptics start to see the benefits once they get into the groove…sometimes it just takes longer than for others.

4. The Class Community Grows in Ways You Don’t Expect.

When I first researched self-paced learning, I kept seeing testimonials about how it builds classroom community. Honestly? I didn’t fully believe it until I saw it in action. There’s something about giving students ownership over their learning that naturally encourages collaboration. I see students helping each other, checking in on classmates, and even forming study groups—all things that were rare when I was dictating every step of the process. Even on top of that, I feel more connected with the students. I can honestly say that I get to talk to every single student, every single day. I am no longer handcuffed to the front of the room teaching to the entire class, but I get to mingle and work with every student. I feel a connection with my students more than I ever have.

5. You’ll Never Want to Go Back.

Even with the challenges, I can’t imagine ever returning to a traditional, one-size-fits-all classroom. Yes, some students struggle with self-motivation, and yes, the upfront work is intense—but the payoff is incredible. Students take more ownership of their learning, I have more time for meaningful one-on-one interactions, and the flexibility allows everyone to work at a pace that actually makes sense for them. Once you see the benefits in action, it’s hard to imagine teaching any other way.

Thinking of Making the Switch? Grab This Free Resource!

I know how overwhelming it can feel to transition your classroom to a self-paced model, which is why I created my Self-Paced Classroom Starter Checklist. It breaks the process down into simple, manageable steps so you can get started without feeling like you’re drowning in work. Grab your free copy here!

Cheers! ☕️
Samantha <3

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